Graduate Student Guides

Graduate Student Handbook

The Graduate Handbook sets forth the governing policies and principles behind the various graduate programs housed in the Department of English.

A printed copy of this handbook is provided to each incoming graduate student before his or her first semester. The document continues to be updated, however, and the electronic copies available here may supersede any print version of the handbook.

Download the most current version of the handbook here.


Semester to Semester Guidelines

The following semester-to-semester guidelines contain important deadline information to help keep graduate students on track for graduation. The guidelines also include recommendations made in consultation with faculty and the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies that are intended to help graduate students situate themselves in their studies and to keep the long view as they complete their degree. The guidelines are designed to be used alongside faculty and staff advisement, Graduate Studies published deadlines and supplemental materials, and the English Department's Deadlines Document and Graduate Handbook.

Deadlines Document

The Deadlines Document outlines important academic and funding deadlines. Download this document and mark your personal calendar with upcoming dates that are pertinent to your program. The Department also recommends that you set one- or two-week reminders for these dates in your personal calendar.

Please contact the English Graduate Program Advisor with any questions about the processes or recommendations outlined at, (505) 277-4437, and/or in person at Parish Library B01-CU21.

Department of English Language and Literature

Parish Library

MSC03 2170
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Phone: (505) 277-6347