Joshua Sanchez


MA Student


Contact Information

Office Location: Humanities 319


Joshua is an M.A. student in Literature who received his B.A. in English Studies at the University of New Mexico. His research focuses mainly on the Intersection between Literary Theory/Criticism and Philosophy, with particular accentuation on Post-Coloniality and Race Studies, while injecting metaphysical and ontological theories from various philosophers. His other work also focuses on the connections between Music and Literature and the intertextual strands that bring the two together.

Joshua is a first-generation college graduate as well as a first-generation graduate student. He is a 14th-generation New Mexican with aspirations of pursuing a Ph.D. after completing his M.A. 

Department of English Language and Literature

Parish Library

MSC03 2170
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Phone: (505) 277-6347