Spring Intersession 2015 Course Descriptions

300-Level | 400-Level

321.004: Intermediate Creative Writing: Fiction

MTWRF May 11-15 0900-1300 (Hybrid)
Diane Thiel, dthiel@unm.edu

This course offers a fun and innovative way for students to develop technique in writing fiction. It is an ideal opportunity to complete a full credit 300 level course in a short period of time, using an intensive writing conference model. Exercises and workshops will focus on various concerns involved in the writing of fiction, such as developing scenes and plot, creating tension, setting, dialogue, characterization, theme, style and tone. Students will read stories by a range of writers, including Tim O'Brien, Alice Munro, Jamaica Kincaid, Sherman Alexie, among others. This course will also involve some emphasis on the way working in other genres (nonfiction, drama, poetry) can inform the writing of fiction. A final portfolio of 20 pages of fiction (in-class exercises and two more expanded pieces) will be due at the end of the course. We will engage in a number of inspiring exercises throughout the course, designed to get creativity flowing. Interested students can register through the system or contact Professor Diane Thiel, at dthiel@unm.edu. This course will be held at the West Side campus. For more information about Diane Thiel (a UNM Full Professor and author of books in several genres) please see her webpage:www.dianethiel.net.

300-Level | 400-Level

417.001: Editing

MTWRFS 1200-1600, May 18 to 29
Andrew Bourelle, abourelle@unm.edu

This intensive two-week summer course will focus on technical and professional editing, but the material covered will be applicable to anyone interested in improving writing or editing skills. In addition to proofreading for punctuation, mechanics, and spelling, students will practice editing documents for consistency, accuracy, usability, and audience consideration.

Department of English Language and Literature

Parish Library

MSC03 2170
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Phone: (505) 277-6347
