Spring Intersession 2015 Course Descriptions


540.002: T: Multimodal & Online Pedagogy

MTWRF 1200-1600: 5/18-5/29
Tiffany Bourelle, tbourell@unm.edu

Why should you take this course? Teaching online requires more than just transferring your existing face-to-face curriculum to the online environment; it involves carefully crafting your assignments for distance students, creating scaffolding exercises and tools (videos, sound bites, etc.) to promote student success, and developing your online persona to foster community among students. This course will teach you the theory and pedagogy behind teaching multimodal composition in the online environment, helping you understand how to use digital technologies effectively and flexibly to reach a wide variety of student learners. During the seminar, you will design your own online course to teach in subsequent semesters though our online program called eComp.

We will also offer a fall version of this course. Please email Dr. Bourelle with your interest in taking this intersession course.

540.003: Teaching Stretch and Studio Composition

MTWRF 0900-1300 May 18-29
Bethany Davila, bdavila@unm.edu

This course will prepare you to teach Stretch Composition at UNM by introducing you to relevant theory and pedagogy in the areas of basic writing, multilingual writing, multimodal composition, reading, and metacognition. While English 537 aims to give you a broad understanding of teaching composition using a genre approach, this course asks you to consider how to tailor your pedagogy for students who may require additional layers of support. We will encourage you to, above all else, view your students' existing skills and literacies as resources that can be built upon in your class. And, of course, we will support you in developing a course that will promote your students' progress toward our student learning outcomes.

Department of English Language and Literature

Parish Library

MSC03 2170
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Phone: (505) 277-6347
