Graduate Student Scholarship Application

The English Department at the University of New Mexico provides a number of scholarship funding opportunities to its graduate students. A list of these scholarships can be found on the Funding page in the For Graduates section of the English Department website.

Students may apply for more than one award and specify all the awards applied for in the letter of intent, but need only submit one application; the Scholarship Committee will consider your application for all possible awards.

Applications must be submitted by
April 1


Please read these instructions carefully before proceeding to the electronic form to apply for English Department Scholarship funding.

Student Information

Please provide your name, e-mail address, Banner ID number, primary mailing address, phone number, and expected graduation date (semester and year) in the open fields. Then choose your degree program and field of study from the options on the right. All fields in this section are required.

Optional Information

Students who wish to provide demographic information may do so in this section. Neither of these fields is required.

Support Documents

Use the interface to attach your support documentation. Please include the following documents in a single .pdf file:

  • Letter of intent
  • Writing sample
  • Unofficial transcript
  • Curriculum Vitae (optional)

Please note that you may only attach a single file; all materials will need to be included in a single .pdf; you will need to assemble this document before completing the online application form.

Letter(s) of Recommendation

Please provide the name, affiliation, and email address of an individual or individuals who will provide a letter of recommendation. This form does not notify your recommender for you; it is your responsibility to contact your recommender(s) and provide this link where they will be able to submit a letter of recommendation. If they have questions, please refer them to Keelan O'Riley at

Complete the Form

Proceed to the form

For your convenience, this link will open in a new window.

Department of English Language and Literature

Parish Library

MSC03 2170
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Phone: (505) 277-6347