Join us for a roundtable discussion titled, “Globalizing Race from Past and Future: A Roundtable” via Zoom on Monday, November 22nd at 12 pm. Zoom link:
Assistant Professor of Medieval Studies and British & Irish Literary Studies, Nahir Otaño Gracia will be presenting, “Constructing Whiteness in Medieval Arthuriana.” In this conversation Dr. Otaño Gracia will be discussing her book project, The other Faces of Arthur: Medieval Arthurian Texts From the Global North Atlantic, specifically how she shows the ways that Global North Atlantic Arthurian texts written in Latin, Spanish, Catalan, Welsh, and Old Norse Icelandic construct whiteness and define
themselves through the construction of medieval “national” borders.
Assistant Professor of British & Irish Literary Studies, Belinda Deneen Wallace will present, “AfricanFuturism & AfroNauts.” Through an exploration of the short film “Afronauts,” Dr. Wallace will lead a conversation on the question, “what’s the unit of your imagination when
envisioning the future?” Vital to this discussion and central to her second book project is the role of Africa—its people, cultures, and histories.