Several of our Medievalists participated in the 2021 International Congress on Medieval Studies:
Robert Esquibel, MA student in Medieval Studies presented “Medieval Origins of Modern American Identity and Oppression.”
Anita Obermeier, Medieval Studies Professor, and Marian Hessink, Instructor of College Writing at CNM presented the paper, “Chaucer under Glaze: The Weller Pottery ‘Canterbury Tales’ Vase.” Anita Obermeier additionally organized the session “Chaucerian Artifacts and Material Culture,” sponsored by the UNM Institute for Medieval Studies, and was furthermore a panelist for the roundtable on “The Many Faces of Lunete in the Arthurian Tradition.”
Stéfan Koekemoer, MA student in Medieval Studies, presented the paper “A Kingdom for a Horse: Horses, Humans, and Emotional Attachment in Early Indo-European Studies.”
Lisa Myers, UNM English Instructor, presented the paper “William Shakespeare as Anime Hero: Fate/Apocrypha’s Master Illusionist.”
Nahir Otaño Gracia, Assistant Professor of Medieval Studies and British & Irish Literary Studies, was a panelist for two roundtables: one on Heather Bamford’s award-winning book Cultures of the Fragment: Users of the Iberian Manuscript, 1100-1600, the other on “Medieval Studies in the Caribbean.”
Alumna of Medieval Studies, Dalicia Raymond organized the session, “Magical Matchmaking: Love Magic in the Middle Ages,” sponsored by the UNM Institute for Medieval Studies.
Nick Schwartz, UNM English Instructor, presented the paper “‘But he did one misdeed too exceedingly’: Wulfstan and King Edgar.” Schwartz also chaired the session “Chaucerian Artifacts and Material Culture.”
The Institute of Medieval Studies also co-sponsored two sessions honoring the late emerita English professor Helen Damico, titled “Old English Studies in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: In Memory of Helen Damico I and II.”