The Center for Regional Studies has awarded Professor Michelle Hall Kells and Professor Levi Romero a research grant for their collaborative project, “La Cultura Cure: Testimonios de la Nueva Mexico Digital Archive Project” to study community impacts of COVID-19 pandemic across the region. Professor Michelle Hall Kells is the Translingual Literacy Studies Coordinator in the Department of English. Professor Levi Romero is the Director of Cultural Studies Certificate Program in the Department of Chicano Studies. Their proposed research seeks to make perceptible the visible and invisible landscapes of loss as a result of the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the growing impacts of human-caused climate change. Our project examines these threats to heritage New Mexico populations by giving witness to the health, economic, cultural, social, and educational impacts of COVID-19 and climate change on local communities.
Student researchers for this project include Abygail Gutierrez and Isabel Strawn (English Department Rhetoric and Professional Writing), and Keith Sanchez and Tatyana Trujillo (Chicanx Studies).