
Teaching Assistants & Core Writing Administrators Develop Bridge Course for Incoming First-Year Students

Two English Department graduate students, Emma Mincks and Mario Montoya, both Teaching Assistants, are teaching the cutting-edge ENGL 2993 Summer Bridge course this summer.  This course, called “Building Writing and Communication Bridges,” was designed by Core Writing administrators Julianne Newmark and Rachael Reynolds, in response to an invitation by Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Pamela Cheek and Associate Dean for Instruction & Curriculum Diane Marshall.  The course intends to help incoming first-year students acclimate to the demands of the Core Writing curriculum and the new expectations of their college life, particularly in the context of the disruption of their final year of high school, due to the COVID19 pandemic. Mincks and Montoya are teaching these two-week courses over the summer and are giving these incoming UNM students a personal and supportive experience in an online modality that will help to prepare them for their college career and the writing and communication experiences they will encounter throughout their degree program, and beyond.