Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, joined by the English Department’s American Literary Studies program, is pleased to announce that applications are open for the inaugural Arms-ALS Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Graduate Certificate Award.
Drawn from an endowed fund that supports student research in American Literature, the award provides funding to English graduate students of American Literary Studies who are admitted to and enroll in qualifying coursework for the transcripted graduate certificate in WGSS. The qualifying Spring 2020 qualifying ALS courses are: English 574.001 (SW Women Writers); English 610.001 (Material in Theory); English 660.001 (Seminar: Queer Fictions).
Award amounts will vary between $1000 and $2000 a year, per student, depending on the number of awardees and the fund’s budget. The award will also help to defray costs to attend one domestic conference to present research related to American Literature and WGSS.
To apply for the award, students must first submit an application to the WGSS Graduate Certificate, which are typically evaluated on a rolling basis. The application to the WGSS Graduate Certificate consists of the following items: 1) an application cover sheet that includes the name and contact information of one faculty reference; 2) a letter of intent; 3) a current CV; 4) proof of enrollment in a UNM graduate degree program.
Click here for more about the graduate certificate: http://womenstudies.unm.edu/academic-programs/graduate.html
Once approved for the Certificate, English graduate students of American literary studies will be automatically considered for the Arms-ALS Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Graduate Certificate Award and will be eligible to receive funds if enrolled in one or more of the qualifying ALS coursework for Spring 2020. See the attached PDF for more information about qualifying coursework and the application process.