
Faculty and Graduate Students Present at Sixteenth Century Society Conference

The following English Department members presented papers and chaired sessions at the Sixteenth Century Society Conference in Albuquerque, NM, in November 2018:

BILS PhD student,Andrea Borunda presented, “‘Dames made Queens of all Desires’: Refashioning Whiteness in Ben Jonson’s Masque of Blackness”

BILS Associate Professor, Marissa Greenberg presented, “Image, Text, and Historical Epistemology.” Greenberg also participated in the round table: ” Teaching Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Disability in Early Modernist Classrooms, Part II,” and chaired the session, “Early Modern English Drama.”

Anita Obermeier, Professor and Director of Medieval Studies and current Chair of the English Department presented, “Merlin the ‘Moon-calfe’: Intertextuality Between Heywood’s The Life of Ambrosius Merlin and Rowley’s The Birth of Merlin,” and also chaired the session, “Sexuality, Gender, and the Body in Renaissance English Drama.”