It is with great pleasure that I write my first blog post as newly-appointed Director of American Literary Studies. I’d like to announce new scholarship in our group, including several published and forthcoming articles, books, and co-edited journals and anthologies. Congratulations to my colleagues on their most recent scholarly achievements.
Dr. Jesse Alemán, currently a research fellow at the University of Texas, Austin, co-edited the Fall 2018 issue of English Language Notes with Dr. María Windell (CU-Boulder). The special issue on Latinx Lives in Hemispheric Context includes an introduction by Alemán and Windell, nine position papers on the “X,” and seven essays on topics like immigration, language, race, class, and sexuality. Alemán’s chapter “The Age of US Latinidad” is set to appear in the forthcoming collection, Timelines of American Literature (Johns Hopkins University Press). He is also the next Associate Dean in the Office of Graduate Studies. Congratulations!
Dr. Finnie Coleman is finishing the second edition of Sutton E. Griggs and the Struggle Against White Supremacy (University of Tennessee Press). He is also working on Rolling Thunder: The History of Race and Racial Violence in Pensacola, Florida, a study beginning with Black conquistadors and concluding with Black activism against White Supremacy during the Civil Rights Movement. Coleman is also UNM Faculty Senate President Elect.
Dr. Jesús Costantino is completing his manuscript, Fighting Form: Boxing, Race, and Media in American Modernism. He has also started on his follow-up book project, Under the Sign of Disaster Triumphant: The Legacies of Colonialism in Late-Capitalist Ruins in the Americas; an article based on this second project is under review with ASAP/Journal, “Cities of Air: Urban Archaeology, Forensic Media, and the Literature of Forced Disappearance.”
Dr. Bernadine Hernández is completing her manuscript, (In) Visible Bodies of a New Nation: Civility and Sexual Economies on the Nineteenth Century Borderlands; co-editing New Transnational Latinx Perspectives on Ana Castillo with Dr. Karen Roybal (Colorado College); and has two forthcoming articles for Spring 2019, “Living on All Fours: Latinx Performance and the Trans Human Turn in En Cuatro Patas” in the Las Americas Issue of Transgender Studies Quarterly, and an Oxford Bibliography entry on “Latina Sexualities.”
Dr. Scarlett Higgins’s Collage and Literature: The Persistence of Vision was published in 2018 in the Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature series, a book that considers the “radical juxtapositions” of collage image-making in the past and in our own time. Higgins also published three entries in 20th and 21st Centuries in American Literature: “Shaping New Poetics: The New American Poetry Anthology,” “Lyn Hejinian, Charles Bernstein, and Language Poetry,” and “Nathaniel Mackey and the New Musical Poetry.” Her chapter on poet Harryette Mullen is forthcoming in Evaluation: U.S. Poetry since 1950, Ed. Robert Faggen and Robert von Hallberg. Higgins is now Director of the Women’s Studies program. Congratulations again!
Dr. Matthew Hofer’s “From Imagism to Vorticism: Understanding the Early Work of Ezra Pound” appeared in the June 2018 issue of The Journal of English Language and Literature, vol. 64 (171–85). He is also co-editor of The Language Letters with Dr. Michael Golston (Columbia U), forthcoming in Spring 2019 out of UNM Press. Hofer and Golston are also co-editing LEGEND, Expanded Edition, collaborative texts by Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein, Ray DiPalma, Steve McCaffery, and Ron Silliman; and a facsimile reprint of the magazine L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, vols. 1–3; these latter two are forthcoming in spring 2020.
Dr. Melina Vizcaíno-Alemán just completed the review essay “Spanish Contributions” for American Literary Scholarship 2017, edited by Dr. Gary Scharnhorst and forthcoming in Summer 2019 (Duke University Press). Her article, “Gender, Regionalism, and Chicana/o Art: Denver Artist Carlota d.R. EspinoZa,” has been accepted for publication in the Fall 2019 issue of Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies.
Dr. Kathryn Wichelns’s Henry James’s Feminist Afterlives: Annie Fields, Emily Dickinson, Marguerite Duras was just published by Palgrave in 2018. The book draws upon James’s correspondence with Fields, and with Dickinson’s and Duras’s revisions of his fiction, to offer a new understanding of gender-transgressive elements of his project. Her article, “Colonial Order and Disorder in Annie Fields’s 1896 Diary of a West Indian Tour,” is currently under review with the journal Legacies.