Announcements, Publications

ALS Professor Co-Edits Special Issue on Latinx Lives in Hemispheric Context

Jesse Alemán’s co-edited special issue of English Langauge Notes on Latinx Lives in Hemispheric Contexts (published by Duke UP) is now available, with the sassy introduction free via open access. This special issue works at the intersection among Latinx, Chicanx, Ethnic, and Hemispheric American studies to map the mutually constitutive, translative, and resistant nature of Latinx and Latin American literary and cultural productions. The issue is comprised of original archival research on Latinx print culture, modernismo, and land grabs; scholarship on the unaccompanied child migrant and borderland biopolitics; and short position pieces that argue the relevance of “Latinx” as both a term and a field category for historical scholarship, representational politics, and critical interventions. Taken as a whole, the issue interrogates how Latinx literary, scholarly, and cultural productions circulate across the Americas in the same way as the lives and bodies of Latinx peoples and writings have moved, migrated, or mobilized throughout history.

Dr. Alemán co-edited the special issue with Dr. Maria Windell, at the University of Colorado at Boulder.