Julie Newmark, editor of the online journal, Xchanges published a new issue in November. In its fifteenth year of publication, Xchanges is an interdisciplinary Technical Communication, Writing/Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum journal published twice a year, comprised of blind-reviewed texts from undergraduate and graduate-student scholars in the Writing Studies fields from the U.S. and abroad. The Fall issue each year features undergraduate research where theses and research projects of upper-level undergraduate students. The Spring issue features MA- and Ph.D.-level graduate-student original research from emerging professionals in the focal fields of Technical Communication (T.C.), Writing & Rehtoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum (W.A.C.). Submissions for the journal are received from students from a wide array of institutions across the country and abroad; and work is accepted either as traditional articles or as multi-modal “webtexts.” The faculty review board, comprised of T.C., Composition/Rhetoric, and W.A.C. faculty from throughout the United States, reviews these submissions on a “blind” basis. Check out the online journal here.