The Rhetoric and Writing Program’s Dr. Julianne Newmark, Assistant Chair for Core Writing, recently published a chapter in the book Effective Teaching of Technical Communication: Theory, Practice, and Application, edited by Michael J. Klein, and published by WAC Clearinghouse/University Press of Colorado. Newmark’s chapter was co-authored with Dr. Joseph Bartolotta of Hofstra University (formerly of the UNM English Department). Newmark and Bartolotta’s chapter showcases our department’s efforts to revise the curriculum in the Core Writing course ENGL 2210, Technical Writing, in the 2016-2017 academic year, a revision that has carried this course forward, with assessment-proven student improvements, each year through to the present. Newmark and Bartolotta offer other Technical and Professional Communication (TPC) program administrators insight into how to enact a complete Student Learning Outcome (SLO) revision in a Core Curriculum course so that new SLOs are attuned to workplace realities, a key concern in TPC courses, while still honoring and foregrounding a university’s mission and the unique goals and experiences of its students.
Lecturer Co-authors New Chapter on Technical Communication Core Curriculum Course Revision