Assistant Professor for American Literary Studies, Bernadine Hernández, who is a new addition to the faculty here in the English Department, has recently received several awards. She holds a PhD in Literature with a concentration in Cultural Studies and Literatures in English from the University of California, San Diego. Her scholarship and teaching focus is on the intersection of American literary production, Chicana feminism, and critical gender and sexuality studies.
One of her recent awards is the Center for Regional Studies Faculty Development Award for $3,000. This award serves as funding for archival work that will result in a chapter in Hernandez’ book manuscript entitled, “Constructing a Nation: Tales of Imperialism and Negotiation of Gender and Sexuality in Narratives of the Pioneer Women of Nineteenth-Century California.”
Another award is the Center for Regional Studies Faculty Development Award for $5,000. This award will go towards Hernandez’ archival documentation and cataloguing project in Zimmerman Library called, “Women and the Access to Economic Capital in the Southwest Between the Civil War and World War I.”
Hernández also received a Teaching Allocations Grant for $600. This award will allow Hernández to run an event on gender and sexual violence on the borderlands, which she is titling, “Terrorizing Women: Gender and Sexual Violence on the Borderlands.”
UNM’s Feminist Research Institute also granted Hernández an award for travel in the Spring semester for continued research for her book.