English 315, a course taught by Ying Xu, titled, “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literature: The Outlaw and the Outlawed in American Literature” has been awarded one of the OCAC Best Practice Courses at UNM. This award, sponsored by the UNM Online Course Advisory Council (OCAC), in collaboration with UNM Extended Learning (EL) and the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), seeks to recognize excellence in UNM online teaching. Xu’s awarded course studied the nature, functions, and contexts of the outlaw and the outlawed (people, spaces, landscapes, and practices) and their literary representations in American literature, covering mostly nineteenth-century and twentieth-century texts and writers. By incorporating a variety of theoretical approaches and interdisciplinary practices, the course encouraged students to critically re-examine topics such as western stories, frontier conflicts, male subjectivity, sexuality and homosexuality, immigration acts, bodies of law and the outlawed bodies, and passing and identity negotiation.