Creative Writing professor, poet, and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, Diane Thiel was named Regents Professor for AY 2022-2024. This is the English Department’s first Regents Professor appointment. Regents’ Professor is a special title bestowed on selected full professors who, in the judgment of the dean, and on the advice of a faculty selection committee, merit recognition of their accomplishments as teachers, scholars, and leaders both in University affairs and in their national/international professional communities.
Diane Thiel, a professor of English and creative writing and the associate chair for Undergraduate Studies, is the author of 10 books of poetry, nonfiction, and creative writing pedagogy, including Echolocations, Resistance Fantasies, The White Horse: A Colombian Journey, and Winding Roads: Exercises in Writing Creative Nonfiction, among others. She is also a widely published translator. Thiel is fluent in Spanish, German, French, and nearly fluent in Greek. Her translation of Alexis Stamatis’s novel, American Fugue, received an NEA Award.
Thiel’s work appears in many journals, is re-printed in over 60 major anthologies, and has been translated widely. She has received numerous awards including the 2010 PEN Translation Award, the Robert Frost and Robinson Jeffers Awards, the Nicholas Roerich Award.
Thiel, who was a Fulbright Scholar, received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Brown University and has taught undergraduate and graduate creative writing for 20 years. She also developed and taught in several writer-in school programs over the years and has also taught in innovative settings such as the NSF program: Ecology for Urban Students and the Miami Book Fair’s Poet in the Schools program.
See the full awards story at UNM Newsroom: